Welcome to your home for all things related to questioning, challenging, and deconstructing your faith!

As a Faith Deconstruction Coach it’s my #1 goal to support you as you break free from toxic religion and cultivate a nourishing spiritual life.

Below, you’ll find a plethora of articles on faith deconstruction, rejecting Christian Patriarchy, rooting out toxic religion, and learning how to spiritually flourish. Need a faith deconstruction topic that’s not covered?

Reach out here and let me know how I can help!

Happy Reading! 

How to Handle Online Bullies While Deconstructing Your Faith

How to Handle Online Bullies While Deconstructing Your Faith

Between the rude online trolls and those who are just downright mean to you in real life, it sometimes feels like there’s no escape from the bullying. But don’t worry! I’ve put together some helpful tips for handling bullies while deconstructing your faith. Unfortunately, I can’t promise people will stop being mean. However, I can promise (from personal experience) that putting some healthy boundaries in place will help you carve out safe spaces. 

Ravi Zacharias is Not An Anomaly, He’s The Very Common Fruit of the Toxic Religious Tree We Have Been Watering for Centuries.

Ravi Zacharias is Not An Anomaly, He’s The Very Common Fruit of the Toxic Religious Tree We Have Been Watering for Centuries.

The recently uncovered Ravi Zacharais abuse scandal is not a unique, once-in-a-lifetime case. Sadly, it is just one example in a long line of ongoing systems of abuse in the church. And as long as the the church continues to prioritize the success and protection of abusers over the safety, validity, and rights of victims, this will continue to happen. But the church can, and has to, do better. Read more to see how the abuse was allowed to happen, what could have been done differently, and signs of abuse to watch for in our churches and organizations.

Are You Making Peace or Encouraging Toxic Behavior?

Are You Making Peace or Encouraging Toxic Behavior?

Years and years of toxic religious culture and patriarchal conditioning have led many women to believe that being a peacemaker means refusing to argue. Refusing to engage in any and all forms of conflict. Or even bending over backward to make sure that others are comfortable, even in situations where they are in the wrong. However, this type of thinking actually tends to cause more harm than good, both in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Helping you break free from toxic religion by deconstructing your faith!

I would be honored to be your faith deconstruction coach as you uncover what’s holding you back and create a plan to break free! 
Click Here To Request More Information!

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This site may contain links that earn me a commission if you buy, but I promise only to recommend things I love and be 100% honest with you!

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