You probably know I LOVE books, but as a busy momma and business owner, uninterrupted time to read is scarce.
That’s why I ADORE podcasts!

I listen to the best faith deconstruction podcasts while driving, cooking, cleaning, working in my garden…you name it. People ask me for podcast recommendations a LOT in the Faith Deconstruction Cafe, so I wanted to create this list of alllllll the best faith deconstruction podcasts that I know of.

You’ve probably heard of the bigger podcasts already, so I want to share a gaggle of newer podcasts from people who aren’t household names that are also fantastic. To make it easier to navigate this HUGE list of the best faith deconstruction podcasts, I’ve divided them into three categories based on the number of episodes and whether or not the hosts are household names.

Please don’t limit yourself to the biggest category because I PROMISE there are gems on this list that only have one season!

There are also a few that are no longer creating new episodes, but the existing ones are wonderful, so I’ve included them on the list! If I missed your favorite faith deconstruction podcasts, please message me on FB or IG or drop it in the contact form here.

Before You Dive Into This GIANT List of Podcasts…Keep These Things In Mind

Starting to question your faith can feel exciting but also a bit scary. These podcasts cover a lot about faith and can be super helpful, but there’s so much to choose from! That’s why we’ve got some tips to help you listen in a good way, with less chance of overwhelm.

  1. Start Small: With such a vast array of podcasts to choose from, it can feel overwhelming to know where to begin. Start by selecting just one or two podcasts that pique your interest the most, and listen to a few episodes to get a feel for the content and the hosts’ style.
  2. Take Notes: Keep a notebook handy while you listen so you can jot down any insights, questions, or reflections that come up during the episodes. This can help you process the information more deeply and remember key points for later reflection or discussion.
  3. Listen Mindfully: Give yourself permission to fully engage with the podcast without distractions. Find a quiet space to listen attentively, free from interruptions or multitasking. By being fully present with the content, you can better absorb the messages and connect with the material deeper.
  4. Join the Conversation: Many podcasters invite listeners to engage with them beyond the episodes through social media, online forums, or live events. You can also pop into The Faith Deconstruction Cafe to discuss episodes you want to process together. Take advantage of these opportunities to connect with the hosts and other listeners, share your own experiences, and ask questions that spark further discussion.
  5. Balance Your Consumption: While podcasts can be a valuable source of information and support, balance is key. Make time for other activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, and don’t hesitate to take breaks from podcast listening if you’re feeling overwhelmed or emotionally drained.

Whether you’re new to this or not, these tips will ensure you get the most out of what you’re listening to. So, before you listen to your first episode, think about these tips and how they can help you figure things out.

Also, check back frequently! I will be updating this post monthly with the goal of creating the most comprehensive list of the best faith deconstruction podcasts.

You might notice that some of these titles or the podcast descriptions don’t mention deconstruction, and I wonder why they’re on this list! Deconstructing isn’t a term that everyone uses to describe the process of untangling from toxic religion. Some of the podcasts focus on a specific area of deconstruction so their title and description reflect that. Others don’t talk about deconstructing your faith at all but cover topics that focus on topics rooted in the same misogyny and white supremacy that drive toxic religion.

Without further ado…Here’s my list of the very best faith deconstruction podcasts!

The OG’s (100+ episodes &/or Household Names)

These are the podcasters you’ve probably heard of because they’ve been spilling the tea for a while. Many have a massive following, NYT Bestselling books, and have become our go-to voice of reason for all things. We’ve adopted a few of these amazing souls as the older sibling or the straight-shooting auntie/uncle we always wanted.

Familiar Voices (50-99 episodes)

All of the best faith deconstruction podcasts in this group have a solid track record of great episodes–that’s why we’ve included them on our best podcasts for deconstructing your faith list. They’ve been in the trenches helping people untangle from toxic religion for a long time and drop wisdom in each episode! You may even recognize a few speakers from the 2020 Deconstructing Faith Summit!

Dirty Rotten Church Kids (53 episodes)

Post Traumatic Faith with Jill Riley (62 episodes)

Unchurchable (Kit Kennedy, 30 episodes)

Existential Podcast (79 episodes)

Spiritually Untamed (60 episodes)

The Iridescent Podcast (74 episodes)

Everything Happens (96 episodes)

Girls Talking Life (88 episodes)

Potters Inn (97 episodes)

The New Evangelicals (54 episodes)

This Intentional Life (51 episodes)

The Woo Woo Experience (53 episodes)

Restoring the Soul with Michael John Cusick (58 episodes)

The Kate and Colby Show (79 episodes)

A Longer Table with Manda Carpenter (90 episodes)

Reclaiming My Theology (61 episodes)

Deconstruct.pod (87 episodes)

The Life After Podcast (Brady Hardin, 59 episodes)

Deconstructing Yourself (70 episodes)

Snarky Faith (99 episodes)

Where Do We Go From Here Podcast (Devi Abraham, 90 episodes)

Crisis of Faith (68 episodes)

Finding Okay (68 episodes)

Life on Purpose

Up and Comers (<50 episodes)

This group of podcasts is composed of shows that have less than 50 episodes but are jam-packed with interviews and discussions to support you while deconstructing your faith.

Not Only But Also (31 episodes)

Deconstruct (43 episodes)

Holy Heretics (42 episodes)

Also Your Daughters (16 episodes)

Sex Positive Christians (37 episodes)


All Things Reconsidered (33 episodes)

Deconstructing Mamas (coming soon!)

Exestensialhappyhour (28 episodes)

God and My Girlfriends (25 episodes)

Clarity Unleashed by Stacey Wynn (21 episodes)

The Ruby Hour (27 episodes)

A Soulful Rebellion (32 episodes)

Not My Story (49 episodes)

FreedomRoad.US ( 45 episodes)

The Knitted Heart Podcast (Ben Eisner, 22 episodes)

Grace Is Brave. Be Brave. (Chris Kratzer, 22 episodes)

Faithfully Growing Together (15 episodes)

Home to Her: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine (42 episodes)

Nagging Thoughts (15 episodes)

Evancynical (Pastor Erick, 21 episodes)

Evangelicalish (38 episodes)

Thereafter (35 episodes)

Protagonistas (with Kat Armes, 48

Seekers and Speakers (Jonathan Merritt, 10 episodes)</h4

The Project Hope Podcast (32 episodes)

A Little Bit Culty (29 episodes)

Curiously Strong Pod (10 episodes)

Recovery Room (1 episode)

If I missed your favorite podcast that should be included among the best faith deconstruction podcasts on this list, please message me on FB or IG or drop it in the contact form here.