Christian Coaching

A Christian Response to Deconstruction

A Christian Response to Deconstruction

Do you have someone in your life who is deconstructing and you aren’t sure how to handle it? Do you just know their condemned to hell, or are on the wrong path? As much as you fear for someone, it’s not the stature you should take when talking with someone who is deconstructing their faith. I honor the trust it takes to really listen, so here’s how Christians should respond to those deconstructing their faith.

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Are You Making Peace or Encouraging Toxic Behavior?

Are You Making Peace or Encouraging Toxic Behavior?

Years and years of toxic religious culture and patriarchal conditioning have led many women to believe that being a peacemaker means refusing to argue. Refusing to engage in any and all forms of conflict. Or even bending over backward to make sure that others are comfortable, even in situations where they are in the wrong. However, this type of thinking actually tends to cause more harm than good, both in our own lives and in the lives of others.

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