Welcome to your home for all things related to questioning, challenging, and deconstructing your faith! As a Faith Deconstruction Coach it’s my #1 goal to support you as you break free from toxic religion and cultivate a nourishing spiritual life.

Writing Is Hard, Do It Anyway

Writing Is Hard, Do It Anyway

I've come face to face with a really surprising thing about writing. It's hard.   When I used to read books that moved me to tears or shook me up or made me look at my life in a different way than I ever have before, I used to think that the authors just had...

Helping you break free from toxic religion by deconstructing your faith!

Welcome to your home for all things related to questioning, challenging, and deconstructing your faith! It’s my #1 goal to support you as you break free from toxic religion and cultivate a nourishing spiritual life.

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This site may contain links that earn me a commission if you buy, but I promise to only recommend things I love and be 100% honest with you!

light blue circle with th3e text "Best Books for Deconst5ructing Your Faith" which is linked a bnlog post with that title