
Navigating Christian Events While Deconstructing Your Faith

Navigating Christian Events While Deconstructing Your Faith

During deconstruction, many of us step back from attending church, but some events like funerals, weddings, and holiday celebrations draw us back into spaces that feel risky. So, what do you do when you ‘need’ to go, but your body is panicking, or you aren’t sure what to say, how to act, or if you even want to go? 

It’s important to remember you can always say no to an event and respectfully decline, but sometimes you need to be in a Christian space because it’s important to you or someone you love. With that in mind, let’s dive into six ways of navigating Christian events while deconstructing your faith.

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A Christian Response to Deconstruction

A Christian Response to Deconstruction

Do you have someone in your life who is deconstructing and you aren’t sure how to handle it? Do you just know their condemned to hell, or are on the wrong path? As much as you fear for someone, it’s not the stature you should take when talking with someone who is deconstructing their faith. I honor the trust it takes to really listen, so here’s how Christians should respond to those deconstructing their faith.

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Why Are So Many People Deconstructing Their Faith Lately?

Why Are So Many People Deconstructing Their Faith Lately?

During the COVID restrictions of 2020, and 2021, many evangelical leaders mistakenly believed that as soon as restrictions were lifted, there would be a revival in church attendance and a zeal for all things Christian. But that’s the opposite of what happened. Because of the sharp drop, many pastors, and Christians are asking themselves, “Why are so many people deconstructing their faith lately?”

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Best Books On Deconstructing Your Faith

Best Books On Deconstructing Your Faith

Reading books on a wide variety of topics is a key aspect of deconstructing your faith. I know it has been for me! Over the years, I’ve given and received many recommendations in this genre. Since I’m often asked for these resources, I decided to compile what I hope will be an evolving list that we, as a community, continue adding to as we deconstruct toxic religious culture. Let me know in the comments below what you’ll be adding to your TBR pile!

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My Book Is Getting Published!!!

My Book Is Getting Published!!!

I’m SO EXCITED to tell you that the book I’ve been dreaming of for years is now under contract!!! This yet-to-be-named book will teach you how to navigate deconstruction, untangle yourself from toxic religion, and learn to trust yourself. It’s jam-packed with real-life stories that show what deconstructing on your own terms looks like

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