Dear Sister, The world is really noisy right now, isn’t it? There area a lot of voices SHOUTING to be heard. I wonder which voice holds the most power over your daily life. A lot of women find that the voice with the most power is not actually their own. It might be...
The Best You
6 Ways to Flourish During a Challenging Season
A challenging season coaxes up things to the surface that we may have overlooked in our determination to flourish. Even if we don't like them, challenging seasons have a way of showing us we can do things we never thought we could. 2020 has been a difficult in many...
Setting Intentions Will Shape Your Day
Setting Intentions You've been doing the hard work--developing self-awareness, good boundaries, and self-care. It's time to put these things together in a way that shapes your day rather than merely helping you be resilient in the face of things that come at you. This...
6 Steps For Recovering From Blame And Shame Associated With Trauma
Shame, blame, and trauma are an unfortunate part of life. We all go through shame and trauma. So many of the women that I’ve coached over the last decade have struggled with learning how to get back up after a trauma. How do you learn to trust again? How do you get...
Do Christian Women Who Blog Have The Authority To Speak For God?
Last spring, a Christianity Today article proposed Christian bloggers, specifically women who blog, should fall under denominational authority to reduce the chance of false teaching. (You can read that article here. ) Immediately after reading that post, I wrote this...