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You’re In A Season Of Getting Rooted.
This stage of deconstructing your faith from toxic religion is all about learning how to connect with yourself, calm your nervous system, and pull back from harmful systems (and people).


You may find yourself saying things like “Maybe I’m being over dramatic. Maybe it wasn’t that bad” or “I feel so overwhelmed and hurt I don’t even know where to start” or even “I don’t want anything to do with faith deconstruction!” It’s important to know that you’re not alone. Nearly everyone who deconstructs goes through this season of Getting Rooted but very few choose to stay here long term because it can be really tough.


The number one thing that I want you to know is the overwhelm and grief of this season of deconstructing your faith, don’t last forever.
In this season of faith deconstruction, you’re gonna need a willingness to trust your inner knowing and space to think.
So be sure to step back from toxic spaces where possible, and be careful with who you trust with your tender self just yet.
I totally recommend unfollowing or blocking people or pages who activate your frazzled nervous system (also known as triggering your trauma response), and following people who give you a sense of calm in your soul.

Have your results (and hand-picked free resources) emailed to you!

PLUS I’ll send you two bonus faith deconstruction resources you won’t find anywhere else!

You have my personal promise that we won’t spam you or sell your information.

I’ll send you a handful of emails over the next month with Getting Rooted-specific resources designed to support you in this season.

You’ll also receive my weekly newsletter with tips, tools, and event announcements about faith deconstruction coaching.

You can unsubscribe at any time-No questions asked.

Here Are A Few Free Resources To Help You Navigate Getting Rooted & Deconstruct Your Faith:

Here’s a dedicated thread in the Faith Deconstruction Cafe’where you can ask for support, share your story, and connect with others who are Getting Rooted. The Cafe is my free Facebook group dedicated to providing faith deconstruction coaching, resources, and community.


Click Here To Join The Conversation! 

If you’re ready to go deeper, these offerings will help you learn more and get personalized support and faith deconstruction coaching during this season:

If you’re ready for 1:1 support, please reach out here to learn more about private faith deconstruction coaching.