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You’re In A Season Of Embracing The Wild Sacred Holy You.
This stage of deconstructing your faith from toxic religion is all about of flourishing.(Finally, RIGHT?) The learning curve drops off, ease settles in and you sync up with the rhythms of your body, nature and the unseen.


You may find yourself saying things like “Oh, here I am!” “I don’t need to explain myself.” Or, “I feel quiet in my body and mind, my soul is safe with me.”

It’s important to know that while you’re still deconstructing your faith, your path gets significantly easier from here on out. The ways you embrace the wild, sacred, holy you may change, but you have the capability to venture into new places knowing you can trust yourself. econstructing your faith has been grueling but in this season you get to expereince confidence and ease on most days.


The number one thing that I want you to know is you can carry this self-trust and love with you wherever you go.

In this season of faith deconstruction, you finally have all the room you need to enjoy life and breathe deeply! You may even find yoruself reaching back to help others who aren’t here yet.

Just be sure to set the boundaries you need in order to feel supported as you prioritize your sanity, self-care, and truth.


I totally recommend finding an intimate group of similar people to cultivate a meaningful community with to share the new insights you’ll discover.

Have your results (and hand-picked free resources) emailed to you!

PLUS I’ll send you two bonus faith deconstruction resources you won’t find anywhere else!

You have my personal promise that we won’t spam you or sell your information.

I’ll send you a handful of emails over the next month with Wild Sacred Holy You-specific resources designed to support you in this season.

You’ll also receive my weekly newsletter with tips, tools, and event announcements.

You can unsubscribe at any time-No questions asked.

Here Are A Few Free Resources To Help You Navigate This Season Of  Deconstructing Your Faith From Toxic Religion:

Here’s a dedicated thread in the Faith Deconstruction Cafe’where you can ask for support, share your story, and connect with others who are exploring the Wild Sacred Holy You season. The Cafe is my free Facebook group dedicated to providing faith deconstruction coaching, resources, and community.


Click Here To Join The Conversation!


If you’re ready to go deeper, these offerings will help you learn more and get personalized support and faith deconstruction coaching during this season:

Image of Angela's faith deconstruction book Deconstruct Your Faith Without Losing Yourself

Deconstructing Your Faith without Losing Yourself Availabe in Paperback, AudioBook, & Kindle

Lively and empathetic, this book will gently guide you through faith deconstruction, without telling you what you should believe or who you should be.

This concise and actionable handbook will help you:
     • give yourself permission to trust yourself, 
     • seek new perspectives and information, 
     •embrace vulnerable exploration and self-compassion, and 
     • release unhealthy beliefs harming you & others. 

Schedule a private 45-minute faith deconstruction coaching session with Angela!

These no-pressure, low-cost sessions are great for working through an area where you feel stuck, resistant, or indecisive. It’s a real coaching session, not a sales pitch or bait and switch. 

Four easy-peasy steps to make it happen.

Step 1-Purchase your session.
Step 2-Schedule a date and time that works for you.
Step 3-Pick a question or topic you’d like to work through.
Step 4-Join our virtual session and get unstuck!

If you’re ready for 1:1 support, please reach out here to learn more about private faith deconstruction coaching.