Faith Deconstruction Coach Angela J Herrington
Faith Deconstruction Coach Angela J Herrington

Ready to heal from religious trauma, explore faith deconstruction, and kick toxic religion to the curb for good?

Are you questioning your faith, seeking answers, or feeling the need to explore your beliefs in a supportive and understanding environment?

Perhaps you’re just curious about what this whole faith deconstruction thing is, after all, it does seem to be getting a lot of attention and most of it is negative!

Whether you’re here due to curiosity, uncertainty, or a compelling inner voice, welcome to my corner of the web, where you can explore the deeply personal journey of faith deconstruction compassionately and without judgment.

There are a ton of people out here in the wilderness trying to figure out what we believe and what faith looks like during and after deconstruction. Together, we slog through the uncertainties and complexities of faith deconstruction. Laughing, crying, and raging against the toxic religious machine together.

There’s a really good chance you’re getting pushback from people who think you’re wandering into heresy and worshipping false prophets. Sometimes the people who we love most, just aren’t willing or able to sit in the uncertainty with us. Instead, some choose shame, gaslighting, and other unhealthy tactics meant to push us back into the box. It hurts…And it’s not your fault.

People resent faith deconstruction because it challenges the status quo and threatens power gained through purity culture, patriachy, Christian Nationalism, racism, homo/trans-phobia, colonialism, ableism, and all the other toxic doctrines that do real harm.

Are you questioning your faith, seeking answers, or feeling the need to explore your beliefs in a supportive and understanding environment?

Perhaps you’re just curious about what this whole faith deconstruction thing is, after all, it does seem to be getting a lot of attention and most of it is negative!

Whether you’re here due to curiosity, uncertainty, or a compelling inner voice, welcome to my corner of the web, where you can explore the deeply personal journey of faith deconstruction compassionately and without judgment.

There are a ton of people out here in the wilderness trying to figure out what we believe and what faith looks like during and after deconstruction. Together, we slog through the uncertainties and complexities of faith deconstruction. Laughing, crying, and raging against the toxic religious machine together.

There’s a really good chance you’re getting pushback from people who think you’re wandering into heresy and worshipping false prophets. Sometimes the people who we love most, just aren’t willing or able to sit in the uncertainty with us. Instead, some choose shame, gaslighting, and other unhealthy tactics meant to push us back into the box. It hurts…And it’s not your fault.


People resent faith deconstruction because it challenges the status quo and threatens power gained through purity culture, patriachy, Christian Nationalism, racism, homo/trans-phobia, colonialism, ableism, and all the other toxic doctrines that do real harm.

Before we go any further, let’s start by talking a bit about what faith deconstruction is and what it isn’t…

Deconstructing is a season of questioning everything and finding your own answers.

Curiousity, doubt and uncertainty are a big part of this journey, even when you don’t want them to be. It’s not waking up one day and jumping into what someone else says is true.

Faith deconstruction is like taking a deep dive into your religious or spiritual beliefs ans really examining them from top to bottom. It’s all about asking the big questions, like, “Do I really believe this?” or “Is there more to the story?”

It’s a process of sifting and sorting through all the layers of your belief system. It’s an emotional process because you’re doubting something that has been a big part of your life. 

Sometimes, people go through faith deconstruction and end up with different beliefs than they started with. For others, it’s about finding new meaning and purpose in their faith, even if it looks different from what they knew before.

Some people discover a deeper sense of spirituality, even if it doesn’t fit the traditional mold, and others choose none at all.


But in the end, faith deconstruction is a personal journey and you get to decide what you believe.

Deconstructing is a season of questioning everything and finding your own answers.

Curiousity, doubt and uncertainty are a big part of this journey, even when you don’t want them to be. It’s not waking up one day and jumping into what someone else says is true.

Faith deconstruction is like taking a deep dive into your religious or spiritual beliefs ans really examining them from top to bottom. It’s all about asking the big questions, like, “Do I really believe this?” or “Is there more to the story?”

It’s a process of sifting and sorting through all the layers of your belief system. It’s an emotional process because you’re doubting something that has been a big part of your life.

Sometimes, people go through faith deconstruction and end up with different beliefs than they started with. For others, it’s about finding new meaning and purpose in their faith, even if it looks different from what they knew before.

Some people discover a deeper sense of spirituality, even if it doesn’t fit the traditional mold, and others choose none at all.


But in the end, faith deconstruction is a personal journey and you get to decide what you believe.

Faith deconstruction is an exploration of your spiritual beliefs and an opportunity to dig deep into what truly resonates with your soul.

This season of deconstructing your faith will be complex and messy.

It’s all about what feels true and meaningful for you. Deconstructing faith should always be a personalized journey and it’s helpful to have a guide who understands how hard it is to challenge everything you were taught to believe. No two people will experience faith deconstruction in exactly the same way, but there are things you can learn from how others have navigated this journey.

It’s important to know that I won’t pressure you to adopt any specific beliefs or doctrines. Instead, I’m here to offer a safe and understanding space for you to explore your unique faith journey. Your faith deconstruction experience is entirely your own, and I’m dedicated to helping you uncover the truths that align with your inner self.

I’m here to share what I know about faith deconstruction, introduce you to some of my favorite people, and invite you to my community designed to support your healing!  

I’d be honored to be a part of your process as you discover the authentic spirituality that resonates most with you.

This season of deconstructing your faith will be complex and messy.

It’s all about what feels true and meaningful for you. Deconstructing faith should always be a personalized journey and it’s helpful to have a guide who understands how hard it is to challenge everything you were taught to believe. No two people will experience faith deconstruction in exactly the same way, but there are things you can learn from how others have navigated this journey.

It’s important to know that I won’t pressure you to adopt any specific beliefs or doctrines. Instead, I’m here to offer a safe and understanding space for you to explore your unique faith journey.

Your faith deconstruction experience is entirely your own, and I’m dedicated to helping you uncover the truths that align with your inner self.

I’m here to share what I know about faith deconstruction, introduce you to some of my favorite people, and invite you to my community designed to support your healing!  


I’d be honored to be a part of your process as you discover the authentic spirituality that resonates most with you.

Choose the option below that best describes where you are in your faith deconstruction journey, and I'll share my top free & low-cost resources to help you flourish:

I'm new to faith deconstruction & want a safe online space to learn more!

I'm ready to go deeper with the Deconstruct Your Faith Without Losing Yourself book!

I'm longing for a safe community to talk about my faith without judgement!

Deconstruct Your Faith Without Losing Yourself is now available for pre-order!

Image of Angela's faith deconstruction book Deconstruct Your Faith Without Losing Yourself

I've spent the last few years pouring my heart, soul, and wisdom into this book to help you deconstruct your faith and begin to flourish! 

Begin your healing journey with Deconstructing Your Faith without Losing Yourself. 

As your Faith Deconstruction Coach, I’d love to support you as you break free from toxic religion once and for all.

Helping you break free from toxic religion by deconstructing your faith!

It’s great to (virtually) meet you!

As a certified life coach, seminary-trained online pastor with 10 years experience, and a Faith Deconstruction Coach I have a lot of experience helping people navigate faith.

But deconstruction is also very personal for me. For the last decade, I’ve been on my own journey to break free from learned smallness and step into wild sacred holy womanhood.

Along the way I’ve met thousands of people who grew up loving God but find themselves out of alignment with the way the church shows up in the world. Over and over I heard how hard it was to find a safe space to ask messy questions about faith so I created a Facebook group, virtual summit, and group coaching program to make sure no one has to deconstruct alone.

I’m doubling down on my commitment to create an inclusive support system for people, like you, who are longing to get away from toxic religion and cultivate a nourishing spiritual life.